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The Harry H. Greer Award


The Harry H. Greer Award is the award presented by the IMTA to persons who devoted long-standing exceptional work contributing to the purpose and aims of the International Military Testing Association.

This page presents following topics:

- History of the Harry Greer award
- List of past awardees
- Harry Greer award: flyer
- Help us find their pictures

History of the Harry Greer award

The Military Testing Association is an outgrowth of an informal meeting of representatives of the various armed forces testing agencies in 1958. The meeting was held at the suggestion (and through the personal coordination) of Capt. Harry H. Greer, USN, Commanding Officer of the Naval Examining Center. Thus, Capt. Greer was the “founder” of the Military Testing Association. In 1962, an award in his name was created to recognize “significant lasting contributions to the Association while exemplifying the ideals of the Association and its founder” (conference proceedings from the 21st Annual Conference, held by NPRDC in San Diego in 1979).

History of NEC

The Naval Examining Center (NEC) was established on May 26, 1949, in Norfolk, Virginia. The center marked a revolutionary departure from the Navy’s traditional advancement testing method, which required local commands to prepare, administer, and score examinations for personnel assigned to their respective units. However, this system lacked standardization, and the Bureau of Naval Personnel established the Naval Examining Center as the primary facility for the development of service-wide examinations within the Navy.

After 2 years in Norfolk, the Center was moved to Great Lakes, Illinois, to provide a more centralized location for the distribution of exams. Additionally, many schools were located at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center, which allowed the Examining Center to liaise with its customer commands.

To accomplish its mission, the Examining Center housed both military and civilian personnel. The Bureau of Naval Personnel selected as subject matter experts Chief Petty Officers who met rigorous academic and professional standards, and who possessed technical and operational specializations. Likewise, civilians were required to possess education at a masters’ degree or higher in a variety of psychological and educational fields.

Criteria for the Harry Greer Award

The Harry H. Greer Award signifies long-standing exceptional work contributing to the purpose and aims of the International Military Testing Association.

Award nominations shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary by July 1st from members of the Steering Committee. Before the annual conference, the Chair of the Steering Committee will canvas other members of the Steering Committee to review the award nominations and to reach a consensus on the selection of a recipient of the award.

No more than one person may receive the Award each year, but the Steering Committee may decide not to select a recipient in any given year.

The Award will be presented during the annual conference. The Award will be a certificate, with the text prepared by the officers of the Association.

List of past awardees

LtCol Myckel Cremers MSc2023 - LtCol Myckel Cremers MSc
Associate professor Military Ethics and Leadership (The Netherlands)
Dr. Christoph Brugger2022 - Dr. Christoph Brugger
Deputy Head of the Military Psychology Service, Armed Forces Personnel Agency, Austria (Ret.)
Maj Salvatore Lo Bue, PhD2022 - Maj Salvatore Lo Bue, PhD
Associate Professor, Royal Military Academy, Brussels
Maria Fors Brandebo, PhD2019 - Maria Fors Brandebo, PhD
Swedish Defence University
Prof. Dr. Jacques Mylle2018 - Prof em. Jacques Mylle
Royal Military Academy, Belgium
Dan Watola2017 - Dan Watola, PhD
United States Air Force Academy
Ms. Susan Truscott2016 - Ms. Susan Truscott
Director General Military Personnel Research and Analysis, Canada
Col Dr Eri R. Hidayat2015 - Col Dr Eri R. Hidayat
Head of the Psychological Development Institute, Indonesian National Army
Dr Marty F. Wiskoff2014 - Dr Marty F. Wiskoff
Senior scientist at Northrop Grumman Technical Services, USA (Ret.)
Dr Merle Parmak2013 - Dr Merle Parmak
Research Fellow in Military Psychology at the Tallinn University of Technology, Industrial Psychology Institute
COL Dr Hubert Annen2012 - COL Dr Hubert Annen
Head of Military Psychology and Military Pedagogy Studies at the Swiss Military Academy in Zurich
Dr Allister MacIntyre2011 - Dr Allister MacIntyre
Head, Military Psychology and Leadership Department, Royal Military College of Canada
Dr Renier van Gelooven2010 - Dr Renier van Gelooven
Head, Netherlands’ Defence Services Centre Behavioural Sciences
Col Ian Johnston2007 - Col Ian Johnston
Head, Defence Force Psychology Organisation, Australia (Ret.)
Lt Col Psych François J. Lescrève2006 - Lt Col Psych François Lescrève
Belgian Defense Staff, Human Resources Directorate General
Mr. Kian-Chye Ong2005 - Mr. Kian-Chye Ong
Ministry of Defense, Singapore (Ret.)
Ms. Susan Truscott2004 - Ms. Susan Truscott
Directorate of Strategic Human Resource Coordination, Canada
Mr Monty Stanley2002 - Mr Monty Stanley
US Air Force Occupational Measurement Squadron
Dr Mike Lentz2001 - Dr Mike Lentz
Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center, USA
Lt Col Psych François J. Lescrève2000 - Lt Col Psych François Lescrève
Belgian Armed Forces’ Center for Recruitment and Selection
Dr W. Steve Sellman1999 - Dr W. Steve Sellman
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, USA
Mr Jeff Higgs1998 - Mr Jeff Higgs
Directorate of Human Resource Requirements, National Defence Headquarters, Canada
Mr Jay S. Tartell1997 - Mr Jay S. Tartell
US Air Force Occupational Measurement Squadron
Dr Jimmy Mitchell1994 - Dr Jimmy Mitchell
USAF Lt. Col. (Ret.), Institute for Job and Occupational Analysis
Martin L. Rauch1993 - Mr Martin L. Rauch
Chief Psychologist, German Armed Forces
1992 - Mr William J. Phalen
US Air Force Armstrong Laboratory, Human Systems Division
Walter Birdsall1988 - Mr Walter Birdsall
Naval Education and Training Program Development Center, USA
Dr Martin F. Wiskoff1987 - Dr Martin F. Wiskoff
Defense Personnel Security Research and Education Center, USA
Help us find a photograph 1985 - Mr Fred Hawyrsh
Canadian Forces, National Defence Headquarters
Walter E. Driskill, Ph.D.1984 - Walter E. Driskill, Ph.D.
US Air Force Occupational Measurement Center
Dr Raymond O. Waldkoetter1983 - Dr Raymond O. Waldkoetter
US Army Soldier Support Center
Dr Joe T. Hazel1982 - Dr Joe T. Hazel
US Air Force Human Resources Laboratory
Dr Raymond E. Christal1979 - Dr Raymond E. Christal
US Air Force Human Resources Laboratory
Help us find a photograph 1977 - Dr W. J. Moonan
Naval Personnel Research & Development Center, USA
Charles J. Macaluso1974 - Mr Charles J. Macaluso
Naval Examining Center, USA
Help us find a photograph 1970 - Col J. M. McLanahan
US Air Force
Capt Harry H. Greer1962 - Capt Harry H. Greer
US Navy

Read/Download the flyer

Click to read or download the most recent version (2015) of the Harry H. Greer award flyer.

Help us find their pictures

We'd be very happy if you could help us find a suitable photograph for the Harry Greer awardees for who we still don't have one (or a better one for those who already have their picture in the list). Please contact us if you have a picture.

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